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Nano Metal Powder Market Report: 2023 China Nano Metal Powder Industry Market Size Increases by About 3.2% Y-o-Y

Published Date: 2024-07-19

Due to its nanoscale, nano-metal powder has significant surface effect, small size effect, quantum size effect and macroscopic quantum tunneling effect, which make nano-metal powder show many unique advantages in performance, such as higher strength, hardness, toughness, catalytic activity and electrical conductivity. Not only in magnetism, optics, electricity, acoustics, thermodynamics, mechanics, and chemistry and other fields present a new type of functional properties, but also uniquely demonstrated non-macroscopic objects as well as single-atom specific properties.

I. Importance of technological innovation and product development
Due to its special physicochemical properties, the nano-metal powder industry has shown great potential for application in many fields. In order to meet the growing market demand, the industry must continue to carry out technological innovation and product development to improve the performance and quality of the product, so as to broaden its application areas.

II.Prospects for the wide application of nano-metal powders
At present, nano-metal powder has a wide range of application prospects in electronics, medical, energy, automotive and other fields, and with technological advances and the continuous expansion of the market, its application areas will be further expanded.

Electronic field:
Nano-metal powder can be made into sensors with high sensitivity and low energy consumption, improve the yield of chips and reduce the loss rate.
In the manufacture of electronic devices, nano-metal powder can significantly improve the precision and performance of the device.
Medical field:
Nano-metal powders can be used as drug carriers for targeted therapy to reduce adverse reactions.
Nanometal powders also play an important role in the manufacture of biosensors and medical devices.
Energy field:
Nano-metal powders have important applications in the manufacture of high-performance batteries and energy storage materials to improve energy efficiency.
In areas such as photocatalysis and water treatment, nano-metal powders also show unique advantages.
Nano-metal powders can be used to make lighter and stronger automotive components, improving fuel efficiency and safety.
Adding nano-metal powders to lubricating oils can enhance the performance of lubricating oils and reduce friction and wear.
Third, the future development trend
With the advancement of technology and the continuous expansion of the market, the application areas of nano-metal powders will be further expanded. The following are several possible development directions:

III.Research and development of new materials:
Through technological innovation, new nano-metal powder materials with higher strength, higher hardness, better wear resistance and other properties are developed.
Improvement of environmental protection requirements:
With the improvement of environmental awareness and increasingly strict environmental regulations, the nano-metal powder industry will pay more attention to green production, reduce environmental pollution and resource consumption in the production process.
Cross-field co-operation:
Nano-metal powder industry will cooperate more with other fields to jointly promote the development and application of new technologies and products.
Internationalisation development:
With the acceleration of globalisation, the nano-metal powder industry will pay more attention to international development and actively participate in international competition and cooperation.
To sum up, the nano-metal powder industry will pay more attention to technological innovation and product research and development, improve the performance and quality of products, thus further broadening its application fields and promoting the rapid development of the industry, driven by scientific and technological progress and expanding application fields.

With the continuous innovation of modern powder metallurgy process and the emerging energy, aerospace and other industries on the material requirements of a substantial increase in recent years, a variety of other types of metal powders such as the flourishing development. Particularly noteworthy is that with the wide application of cutting-edge technologies such as metal 3D printing, various types of other metal powders including titanium powder, aluminium powder, nickel powder, cobalt powder, tin powder and chromium powder are like a group of stars competing for glory, and many metal powder enterprises in China are like a dark horse, achieving breakthroughs and localisation substitutes for a large number of powder varieties and applications, among which China's nanometer powder market size will increase by 2023 compared with the same period of last year. metal powder industry market size grew about 3.2% year-on-year. With the rapid development of nanotechnology, nano-metal powder has been widely used in many fields, and the market scale is expanding.

According to YH Research research statistics, the global nano-metal powder market size of about 2.61 billion yuan in 2023, with a compound annual growth rate CAGR of about % from 2019-2023, and is expected to continue to maintain a stable growth trend in the future, and the market size will be close to 5.57 billion yuan in 2030, with a CAGR of 11.3% in the next six years.

The major global manufacturers of nano-metal powders are Shoei Chemical Inc, AMES, Umcor and Heraeus, with the top four global manufacturers holding a total market share of more than 45 per cent.

At present, China is the world's largest nano-metal powder market, accounting for about 30% of the market share, followed by Japan and North America, which together account for nearly 40% of the market share.

In the face of fierce market competition, metal powder enterprises have improved industrial concentration and competitiveness through mergers and acquisitions and industry chain integration. By integrating upstream and downstream resources, they can achieve complementary advantages, reduce costs, and improve product quality and market share. With the expansion of the market scale, more and more enterprises enter the nano-metal powder market, the market competition is becoming increasingly fierce, and the competition between enterprises is mainly reflected in product quality, technical level, service quality and price.

With the progress of science and technology and the continuous expansion of application fields, the nano-metal powder industry will pay more attention to technological innovation and product research and development to improve the performance and quality of products. At present, nano-metal powder has a wide range of application prospects in many fields, such as electronics, medical, energy, automotive, etc. With the advancement of technology and the continuous expansion of the market, the application fields of nano-metal powder will be further expanded.

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